Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Google Docs

February 17, 2009

When I first set up this blog I indicated that I would use it as a tool to share my technological education.  In my view, I am taking baby steps along a technological journey, but they are steps nonetheless.  My most recent technological endeavour has been the use of google docs.  It was introduced to me by our school’s “tech person”.  He suggested that we use it as a tool to compile the school’s daily announcements; it has worked well.  Since then, he has given a workshop to the whole staff on how to use it and we just recently used it to compile student progress reports.  As a result, we ended up with very polished and professional looking documents to share with both students and parents.  I look forward to discovering more applications of google in the weeks ahead.

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

February 6, 2009

I just watched “A Vision of K-12 Students Today” for about the third time.  I actually took the time to wrap my brain around some of the statistics shared in the video.  At the same time it provided me with some inspiration regarding what I would like to do in terms of a digital project here at my school.  I would like to gain some insight into what percentage of teachers at my school are familiar with wikis, blogs and podcasts.  Maybe I can use my educational technological journey as a means of encouraging the use of these digital tools.  I need to be reminded that students are “digital learners” as is pointed out in the video very clearly by many statistics.  I was really surprised to see the time ratio between reading books and being in front of a screen.  The other statistic that really resonated with me from the video was that today’s teenager will probably have 14 different jobs before he/she is 38; some of which do not exist today.  This really got me thinking about the advice my father gave me when I first graduated from university; he said get a good teaching job with a pension and you will be set for life.  Well I have been in the same job since then and I am not much older than 38 today; I wonder what job statistic will eventually apply to my seven year old son?  I wonder what job advice I should be offering him?  In any case, this video really got me thinking not only about my job as an educator but also my role as a parent.  When I think about all of the statistics shared in the video I always keep coming back to one word; “balance”.  As a parent I have to ask is it ok to be reading only 2 hours per week while spending 3.5 hours gaming?  For my son I think the time spent on both is about equal; this is my idea of balance.  However, as the video points out several times; today’s children are digital learners.  Therefore, I am left to wonder about all the other forms of media that are out to gain his attention.  One form of media that has got my attention this last while is windows movie maker.  I have turned many of my digital photos into great slide shows accompanied by my favourite music.  It was fun and educational and it was something my son and I worked on together.

“Choice Exaspiration”

January 29, 2009

I chose this phrase from this week’s lecture by Dr. Couros.  It really struck a chord with me because it certainly captured how I have been feeling in terms of the many choices we have in terms of technological literacy.  However, Dr. Couros was quick to remind us that we do not need to attempt everything at once.  He suggests an approach that definitely can work for me and my timetable; namely tackling only one thing at a time.  This blog is my “one thing” for the next little while.  When I try to wrap my brain around too many technological approaches at once I experience information overload.  In any case, my goal will be to build upon new learning over the course of the next few months.  I anticipate there will be challenges in the months ahead, which does not worry me as much as the time factor.  I am feeling a little stressed lately when I think about the many deadlines I have coming up.  But I have to remember Dr. Couros’ words: “one thing at a time”.  I feel fortunate in that my school has a very talented tech person who is very patient and giving of his time.  He has been a great resource as I begin to navigate through the many learning opportunities today’s technology has provided.  We have been talking about possibly working together with one of his senior classes to put together a digital project for this class.  That’s all for now!

First Ever Blog Entry

January 25, 2009

I’ve been thinking for several days about what I would like to say in my first ever blog posting.  After careful consideration, i reminded myself that this final course is all about technology and its many uses in the world we live in today.  With this in mind, I began to take a closer look at my own life and how technology impacts it.  As much as I sometimes feel out of touch with technology, I do find myself embracing what it has to offer more and more.  In fact, this is one of the reasons I decided to take Dr. Couros’ class this semester.  I believe I have the responsibility to learn as much as I can about evolving technology given the fact that I have more than a dozen years left in the teaching profession.  I am certain that things will continue to change rapidly.  My only worry is trying to keep up with the changes.  I think this has contributed to my hesitation about learning about new technologies; the fact that things are constantly changing.  I guess the important thing is to try and keep up.  I did experience one great technological success this week; I figured out how to use the SYNC system in my new truck.  I now can use my cell phone and I-pod using voice commands.  I guess if I can figure that thing out there’s hope for me with other technologies.  In any case, I plan to use my blog over the course of the next few months to document my technological successes.  I am confident that with an expert like Dr. Couros to guide me, I can only improve.  Anyway, that’s all for now!

Hello world!

January 12, 2009

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!