EC&I 831 Recognition

I was very impressed last week with another component of the administrators’ meeting in North Battleford.  One of the division’s superintendents took the opportunity to recognize all of the administrators in the room who are part of the community-based masters of education program.  She went on to display our course blog for EC & I 831 and the many tools build into it.  My friend and colleague Stephen King went on to display our blogs and some of the other tools we have been exposed to in this course.  Stephen pointed out to the group the many benefits these tools can provide to our schools.  We also had the opportunity to view the you tube video entitled a vision of a K-12 student.  It was very well recieved along with the rest of the presentation.  I am confident that many of our coleagues will be checking out our course wiki and our individual blogs.  What a great week in North Battleford!

3 Responses to “EC&I 831 Recognition”

  1. courosa Says:

    Very cool, I’m glad that I could be a little part of this in the background. I’m excited!

  2. Trevor gerwing Says:

    It is great that you folks are sharing the wealth with respect to what you are learning. Too often, people seem to feel as though they have to protect some sort of intellectual copyright. We need to share this stuff so that it becomes mainstream and used in the classroom.

  3. jmdurocher Says:

    I also really enjoyed the week in North Battleford! The presentation on technology gave me new hope for all of the students in Northern Saskatchewan.

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