Dr. Anthony Muhammad

I have just returned home from spending a week in North Battleford, Sk. to attend our division administrators meetings.  One of these days was spent attending a workshop facilitated by Dr. Anthony Muhammed.  It was a workshop unlike any I have attended in quite some time.  The topic of the workshop was “Leadership to Build Effective PLCs” and it was extremely informative and uplifting.  Dr. Muhammad is a very interesting and engaging speaker.  His presentation left me thinking about my role as an educational leader in my school and it also made me reflect on this role in the context of personal learning communities.  Dr. Muhammad spent considerable time talking about his personal experiences as both a teacher and administrator.  It was through these reflections that I saw many parallels in my own professional practice.  He made me realize that as administrators we must engage in collaboration with our students, parents and staffs.  He also impressed upon all of us the importance of using collaboration in the intervention process when it comes to the education of our students.  His concrete, practical examples really hammered the message he wanted to convey.  At the end of the day I spent some time thinking about how technology can be used in the intervention process.  I soon came to the conclusion that technology can be a very effective tool in relation to providing intervention strategies for students who may need additional instructional time.  Tools such as wikis and blogs can serve as very useful communication tools with regard to posting course materials and extra instruction.  I did not get the opportunity to ask Dr. Muhammad his thoughts on the use of technology in the intervention process during his inservice, but I will certainly e-mail him and look forward to his thoughts on the topic.  In any case, I left this workshop feeling very re-charged and ready to start a new week.  Dr. Muhammad is a true motivational speaker and I would strongly reccommend his workshop to all educators.

2 Responses to “Dr. Anthony Muhammad”

  1. jmdurocher Says:

    Dr. Muhammad was very inspirational! I look forward to reading his books and also hopefully he will attend our convention in the fall. I think that it is very important that the teachers hear his message.

  2. Kim Says:

    I attended a PD day with Dr. Muhammad in early March. I really enjoyed his presentation and I walked away with many thoughts to ponder.

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