Wondering about a “digital project”

Over the course of the past week I have given some thought to what I might want to put together in terms of a “digital project” for our course.  I am leaning towards surveying the staff which I am part of in relation to their use of technology both in and out of the classroom.  I am interested in ways I could possibly communicate the data I collect that would fall within the category of a “digital project”  Any suggestions?

2 Responses to “Wondering about a “digital project””

  1. jackie Says:

    I have been thinking about my project also. I am leaning towards doing a classroom blog, from the articles that I have read on blogging it sounds interesting. Your project sounds interseting too, I know when I discuss technology with our staff they are very interseted in learning. I think NATA should have a session on technology at our next convention. Maybe you and Stephen could do the presentation!

  2. Alec Couros Says:

    The surveying the staff is certainly a possibility if you want to to make this more into a research project vs. technology integration project. So what would you get out of it? What could you turn it into? How would you present it? And perhaps, is there something you could turn it into?

    Maybe (one possibility) you could interview people about certain questions, and create a video with responses from a number of people. It could be something fairly short, but perhaps it could give insight into some of the issues around technology integration.

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